Boston massacre propaganda worksheet pdf

Sam adams persuaded the town of boston to pay for a second. March 5, 1770 the presence of british troops in boston had long been a sore point among bostons radical politicians. Boston massacre, boston tea party, and intolerable acts. The bloody massacre perpetrated in king street boston on march 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th regt. It began as a street brawl between american colonists and a. Swbat identify valueladen words, propaganda, and other subtler forms of bias in historical documents. Boston massacre propaganda worksheetthis handout has questions on the front of the paper with the focus on propaganda. The boston massacre took place well in front of the balcony, and the massacre is now commemorated by a cobblestone circle in the square photo 2009. Asking the students to write what they see and describe the imagery of paul reveres drawing. Paul reveres engraving of the boston massacre, 1770 by the beginning of 1770, there were 4,000 british soldiers in boston, a city with 15,000 inhabitants, and tensions were running high. Conduct a whole class discussion about the boston massacre. This quiz worksheet combo will quickly measure your knowledge of the propaganda surrounding the boston massacre. The series is intended for adult audiences, however, the only parts not suitable is some language that is used during the trial. Compare this image by a british printer with paul reveres image of the boston massacre, noting in particular the dramatic setting and action, the use of color, and the titles, etc.

It will be taught in a sixth grade classroom in the american revolution unit. Kingstreet was probably the most effective piece of war propaganda in american history. The boston massacre is a fascinating event due to the simple fact that war propaganda alone transformed it from an unfortunate confrontation into a massacre. Prelude to the revolutionary war national park service.

As a result, all the townshend duties were repealed except for the tax on tea. Symbols and propaganda from the boston massacre youtube. This boston massacre lesson plan is suitable for 4th 6th grade. But the most effective propaganda piece was paul reveres widely printed cartoon, the bloody massacre, an exaggerated misrepresentation of what really happened. Next, analyze chappels engraving of the boston massacre also using the nara worksheet.

Students will look at the bloody massacre propaganda art students will refer back to the lists on the board to see what they had right or wrong. However, it has gone down in history as one of the best examples of propaganda around. Revere, paul, 1770 notice how the british soldiers are shown standing in a straight line shooting their rifles in a regular volley, but when the fight actually happened both sides were angry and riotous. As you read the account, determine to which side the newspaper seemed most sympathetic. The boston massacre is the perfect event to teach your students the impact that bias and propaganda play in events by having students participate in a fluid discussion.

Patriot leaders immediately circulated the news with heavy doses of propaganda. It will include group work, whole class guided reading, and an individual assessment piece. Paul reveres engraving of the boston massacre, 1770 ap us. Mar 07, 2016 the bloody massacre perpetuated in king street, boston, on march 5, 1779. The people of boston threatened and harmed british customs officials trying to collect taxes.

Not an accurate depiction of the actual event, it shows an orderly line of british soldiers firing into an. A british view of rebellious boston, 1774 gilder lehrman. The revolutionary war started soon after the boston massacre. Debates create a i am right, you are wrong mentality and students are less likely to listen to each other. Donald trumps way of speaking is oddly adolescent the 11th hour msnbc duration.

The boston tea party reading passage taxes were also complicated in great britain and the american colonies in the 1700s, especially taxes on tea. The court appointed samuel quincy, a strong tory british sympathizer, as special prosecutor. Boston massacre primary source analysis short answer question revere, paul. Analyze the coloring book handout and the image in your textbook of paul reveres engraving, the bloody massacre in kingstreet, march 5, 1770 boston, 1770. Link to pdf of you could be drinking yourself sick campaign. The british instituted a number of new taxes, known as the townshend acts, on tea, glass, paper, lead, and paint prior to the boston massacre. American revolution worksheets easy teacher worksheets. Boston massacre article this article from the march 12, 1770 edition of the boston gazette recounted the events of the previous week that would come to be known as the boston massacre. The boston massacre began with a nighttime confrontation between a youth and a soldier in front of the customs house. Write a paragraph that explains what you think happened at the boston massacre. Paul revere wasted no time in capitalizing on the massacre to highlight british tyranny and stir up antibritish sentiment among his fellow colonists. Around the same time of the boston massacre, parliament decided once again to relent on taxation. While the event certainly resulted in several patriot deaths, the term massacre is traditionally deemed an overdramatic one. This lesson is also designed to open up a dialogue about historic.

Then discuss whether revere would be considered a patriot or loyalist. The boston massacre the showdown between the british and the americans was not simply a war of words. For the first time, a protest led to the death of colonists. This is an opportunity to talk about propaganda during the revolution and. Boston massacre lesson plan for 4th 6th grade lesson. Swbat evaluate the extent to which colonial actions and reactions during the boston massacre were justifiable. Before you begin the lesson, you should share a brief agenda with students. Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to. Massacre commemoration boston was the capital of the province of massachusetts bay and an important shipping town, and it was also a center of resistance to unpopular acts of taxation by the. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the boston. March 5, 1770 the presence of british troops in boston had long been a sore point among boston s radical politicians. An escaped slave who was killed in the boston massacre teaching to the middle.

Produced just three weeks after the boston massacre, paul reveres historic. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at american revolution boston massacre webquest print page. Apr 06, 2015 the boston massacre became infamous throughout the american colonies in a matter of weeks. Produced just three weeks after the boston massacre, paul reveres historic engraving,the bloody massacre in kingstreet, was probably the most effective piece of war propaganda in american history. This article explains the actual story of the bloody massacre a virulent example of propaganda that revere may have stolen during the revolutionary era. Just three weeks after british soldiers shot and killed five bostonians and wounded six others, the silversmith and patriot paul revere produced this. Boston massacre propaganda and newspaper lesson plan and. The boston massacre, also known as the incident on king street, was a street fight that occurred on march 5, 1770, between a patriot mob, throwing snowballs, stones. Find boston massacre lesson plans and teaching resources. The segments pertaining to the boston massacre ends at time 43. In imitation of a practice then in vogue in the cities and large towns of england, the gunpowder plot was annually celebrated in boston in colony times. Answer questions about different ways this event was. This decision would later prove to be a mistake for the british. The boston massacre occurred on march 5, 1770 when british sol prior to the boston massacre the british had instituted a numb the killing of a group of defenseless people at one timethe i.

The bloody massacre the truth behind paul reveres iconic woodcut of the boston massacre description. The boston massacre was a deadly riot that occurred on march 5, 1770, on king street in boston. He used it as propaganda to capitalize on colonial resentment of the british. The boston massacre, perpetrated on march the 5th, 1770 woodcut by paul revere a monumental inscription on the fifth of march broadside with woodcut by paul revere. Boston massacre primary source analysis short answer question. Then display reveres engraving of the boston massacre and distribute page 1 of image analysis worksheet to students. In what way was paul reveres engraving a piece of propaganda for the. Henry pelhams depiction of the boston massacre, the fruits of arbitrary power, or the bloody massacre, was published in the spring of 1770. Kids these days are all too familiar with the word massacre, which makes this lesson surprising and challenging as they connect the reason a non massacre made such headlines. It began as a street brawl between american colonists and a lone british soldier, but quickly. Paul revere, the bloody massacre in kingstreet, march 5, 1770. You must use the vocabulary of propaganda, civil disobedience, boycott and protest. The boston massacre occurred outside this building 8. The boston massacre wasnt quite a massacre, as many people are aware.

Answer the following questions by giving examples from the information and political cartoons above. You can ask the students to debate the effectiveness of the broadsides as propaganda or assign an essay on that question. It will be an opportunity for students to look at a historical event from multiple perspectives using corroborating evidence. Lesson propoganda and the boston massacre betterlesson. Tell students a little background knowledge about paul reveres job as a silversmith. Boston massacre propaganda and newspaper lesson plan and worksheet. On the evening of march 5, crowds of day laborers, apprentices, and merchant sailors began to pelt british soldiers with snowballs and rocks. In this famous print of the boston massacre, paul revere shows the british soldiers. With most of the taxes repealed, the massachusetts legislature was called back in session. All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the page at american revolution boston massacre. The boston massacre katy independent school district. Although largescale fighting between american minutemen and the british redcoats did not begin until 1775, the 1770 boston massacre gave each side a taste of what was to come. They will work through the worksheet with a partner.